What We Don't Do

Below are things I see on a day to day basis that make me scratch my

head and say: "What were they thinking" Enjoy


When building retaining walls, make sure you use a qualified landscape company. This wall failed, dumping tons of stone and dirt into the swimming pool below. Pearson Landscape constructs exceptional retaining walls, built to engineer specifications.

Pearson Landscape maintenance crews properly trim plants. If your Agave grows too large we can move the plant to a new location and recommend a new plant that will be more suitable to the location.

We will never design a giant street island in front of your house and fill it with limestone rubble, trash and weeds.

We will never do this..Whatever it is

We installed this commercial grade weed barrier at the customer’s request. Two weeks later, nut sedge had worked its way through. Weed cloth may stop some smaller, herbaceous weeds, but it will not stop everything.

We don't recommend weed barriers. They never really stop the weeds and inevitably come to the surface to create a mess.

Planting the right plant in the right location is very important. Keep in mind how big a plant or tree will get over time.

Pearson Landscape believes in building our features level and true with quality products.